To all our Elijah House Friends, greetings in Jesus Name!
My name is Renee and I am 30 years old and participating in the internship program at Elijah House Ministries. My past education and experience includes an undergraduate degree, a Masters degree in Counseling from a well known seminary, licensing as a counselor and almost four years of counseling experience in a psychiatric hospital.
I am amazed at the depth of training I have received through Elijah House. As I reflect on all the education, training and experience I have received up to this point, I am confident in saying that the training that Elijah House has provided has been the best ministry training of my life.
I now realize that much of my past education leaned heavily on knowledge but was weak in showing me how that knowledge applied to real life and hurting people. Elijah House excels at teaching biblical principles and truths and then modeling and teaching you how to apply them through the leading of the Holy Spirit. I am grateful for the integration that has taken place in my life between knowledge, experience and application.
I have no doubt that I will leave Elijah House not only with more knowledge of my God and His ways but, most importantly, with many, many experiences of my God and His ways. Through my experiences and training at Elijah House, I now completely believe that God will heal the hearts of his people. I have seen Him do this over and over again during my time here. God has shown me that He really is the great healer and deliverer for his people, and that His Spirit is alive and at work everyday everywhere. (Visit our Elijah House website and read more testimonies at elijahhouse.org)
We invite you to be a part of accomplishing the “Elijah Task” in today’s world. Would you prayerfully consider making a donation to help us continue teaching and equipping others with this life-changing message?