Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Look what's happening at Elijah House!

We can hardly keep up with the requests for ministry in all the areas of writing, teaching and prayer ministry!

New products & Systems:

People in their 20's and 30's frequently exclaim how powerful and life changing the teaching is and how much their generation needs to hear it. We are busy preparing to carry the ministry to the next generation! You can purchase these new products by phone or through our web store. Our new web store and web site will be up and running before the end of this year!


  • It's not for Nothing—Healing from the Pain of Grief and Loss—Sarah Compton, EH Prayer Minister
  • Lost and Found—Healing from Rejection—Robert Fetveit, EH Executive Director
  • Three Wolves and Two Towers— Defeating the Religious and Political Spirit—Robert Fetveit
  • Burden Bearing Series Classic—newly released and transferred from cassette tapes, John and Paula Sandford


Transformation Series from Strang Publications, John and Paula Sandford (Mark and John Sandford's revision of the original "Transformation of the Inner Man" and "Healing the Wounded Spirit")

  • Transforming the Inner Man
  • God's Power to Change
  • Letting Go of Your Past
  • Growing Pains

Also out, and newly revised by Mark and John Sandford:

  • Choosing Forgiveness
  • Healing For a Woman's emotions
  • Why Good People Mess up (formerly titled, Why Some Christians Commit Adultery)

Coming soon, more books being revised by Mark and John:

Awakening the Slumbering Spirit, newly available early October, and later,

Restoring the Christian Family, The Renewal of the Mind, Healing Victims of

Sexual Abuse, The Elijah Task and (by Mark and John) A Comprehensive Guide

to Inner Healing and Deliverance!


Since January our EH teachers have spoken at seminars in eight states as well as Austria, Malaysia, Taiwan and Japan. Our schedule is already full for 2008 and we are now booking seminars into 2009 and 2010!

Our newest seminars:

· "Tell Your Heart to Beat Again – Healing from Trauma"

· "Strategic Prophetic Warfare and the Body of Christ"

Both of these seminars will be filmed and available for purchase sometime next year.


Our training department has gone to a new level! 60 "Video Facilitated Schools" are running this fall in the U.S. and Canada. New leaders are being trained and released!

Both Basic I and Basic II schools in May and July were awesome! They were taught live by a variety of Elijah House teachers. Students came from many denominations and several nations and cultures. Watching a cross section of the Body of Christ come into unity and healing is always a tremendous blessing!

Our next live schools will be the "Prophetic School," taught by Mark Sandford and Robert Fetveit, September 13-17 in Vienna, Austria and October 6-11 in Spokane, Wa. Video schools may be held through facilitators who attend a live school and submit an application.

Prayer Ministry and Internship:

A steady stream of people continues to seek prayer ministry. Many lives are blessed and hearts are healed! Our prayer ministers also train interns in what is undoubtedly the best such program available.

International Elijah Houses:

Our international influence continues to spread, with more requests than we can answer! Thus far, there are Elijah Houses in: Australia, Austria, Finland, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand and Taiwan. By the end of the year an EH team will have visited them all. Although they are autonomous, we continue to mentor and pray for each one.

Mark Sandford
Spiritual Director
Elijah House, USA

1 comment:

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