Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A few thoughts from Robert:

Greetings to one and all at this most wonderful time of the year. All of us here at Elijah House wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We are experiencing a very white Christmas. Our area has been blessed by record snowfalls over the past several days (more than a meter of snow, and more is on its way!). After two thirds of this fell in just 24 hours, for the first time in many years, we told our staff and clients not to come to Elijah House because is was just too dangerous to drive. The following day we had a snowy adventure just getting drifts cleared away from the doors so we could enter the building!

On that very day I met with one of our service providers. As we were discussing the difficult financial times that have gripped our nation, he reminded me that many years ago during a similar downturn, newscasters were sent to find out why our inland northwest region was able to avoid the recession. One of the persons interviewed on T.V., a local pastor, reported that prayer was the key, and that local believers had decided not to participate in the recession!
As the Executive Director of Elijah House I have decided that our ministry will adopt this position. Not that I am in favor of putting our heads in the sand (snow, in our case) and ignoring reality. Rather, we will stand on the promises of God to provide for our needs.

Will you join us in believing God for this ministry as well as the hundreds of other worthy ministries that are also praying for provision? Thank you for your prayers and support!

1 comment:

Nikki (Sarah) said...

blogging has led me to find you and I am so encouraged by your site. God bless. Sarah