Elijah House is a non-profit ministry founded in 1975 by John & Paula Sandford with the mandate to restore the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers (Malachi 4:5-6), and to restore all things (Matthew 17:11). We offer prayer ministry as well as schools and internships to equip the Body for the challenges of ministry. For more information, see our website at www.elijahhouse.org
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
A few thoughts from Robert:
Greetings to one and all at this most wonderful time of the year. All of us here at Elijah House wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
We are experiencing a very white Christmas. Our area has been blessed by record snowfalls over the past several days (more than a meter of snow, and more is on its way!). After two thirds of this fell in just 24 hours, for the first time in many years, we told our staff and clients not to come to Elijah House because is was just too dangerous to drive. The following day we had a snowy adventure just getting drifts cleared away from the doors so we could enter the building!
On that very day I met with one of our service providers. As we were discussing the difficult financial times that have gripped our nation, he reminded me that many years ago during a similar downturn, newscasters were sent to find out why our inland northwest region was able to avoid the recession. One of the persons interviewed on T.V., a local pastor, reported that prayer was the key, and that local believers had decided not to participate in the recession!
As the Executive Director of Elijah House I have decided that our ministry will adopt this position. Not that I am in favor of putting our heads in the sand (snow, in our case) and ignoring reality. Rather, we will stand on the promises of God to provide for our needs.
Will you join us in believing God for this ministry as well as the hundreds of other worthy ministries that are also praying for provision? Thank you for your prayers and support!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
What's New at Elijah House
Turning Hearts……Changing Lives
November 2008—What's New at Elijah House!
A Few Thoughts from Mark:
At our recent conference, "Kingdom Warfare, Solid Solutions for Today," we asked the audience to sit for a few minutes, soaking in God's love. Then we asked them to pass that love on to the next generation, by allowing God to direct us in warfare on their behalf. The Lord led us to invite all persons 25 years old and younger to come forward to receive prayers, blessings and whatever prophetic words God might choose to bestow upon them. What an anointed evening! Young people cried and laughed and basked in blessings some of them had never received from their parents.
Increasingly, I feel an urgency for my generation to reach beyond itself to bring to life the children we have too often aborted, neglected and discarded. Pray that the call of Malachi 4:5,6—to turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers—truly gets through to the hearts of my selfish self-absorbed generation, in my nation and in yours.
A Few Thoughts from Robert:
I was recently reminded of one of the original goals for teaching Elijah House principles—to equip the whole Body of Christ to do inner healing! In the past, effective prayer ministry was relegated to just a few Christian "super stars" who had a "special anointing" and who were required to complete extensive training to pray for people. I remember that in 1981 John and Paula said, "The day of the prima donna is over." Through teaching and modeling how to pray about bitter roots, inner vows, foundational lies, etc, every believer can be equipped with tools for inner healing for themselves, their families, the neighbor next door, the friend who joins him for a cup of coffee, his work associates, or anyone the Lord brings across his path whom the Holy Spirit says is ready and willing to receive prayer.
The keys of knowledge that God gave to John and Paula are a gift to the whole Body of Christ. Let's remember to slay every hint of pride in thinking that we have to be the "expert" to qualify to pray healing prayers.
Ephesians 4:11-12 "And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ."
A prayer request:
Many of you have asked about John and Paula. Last summer John suffered a very mild stroke. He was hospitalized for two days and then released, with no lasting ill effects. Although he has retired from traveling to teach, he keeps very busy editing and revising their books (alongside Mark) and doing some local teaching as he is able.
As you know, Paula has severe Alzheimer's. She has been moved to a lovely assisted-living home nearby so that John and the rest of the family can visit her often. Please continue to pray for the Sandford family.
News items:
Great news! Early this Autumn, Mark wrote an email to the head editor at Strang Publications requesting that they publish Burnout, Renewal in the Wilderness, by Loren Sandford.. In recent times, only Loren's church could sell it because the copyright was held up by another party (long story). The copyright has been released, and Strang has chosen to publish, promote and distribute the book. Loren will revise and update it a little, and it will be out (with a new cover) by next January, selling to an exponentially wider audience! This should prove to be a great benefit to Elijah House as well!
Last week we were overjoyed to receive several computers and monitors, donated to Elijah House by a government organization that was updating their equipment. We were able to replace some of our older, barely functioning computers for our Bookkeeper and in our Resource Department! Praise the Lord!
New products & Systems:
- The new Deliverance and Inner Healing book is here and available! Mark is very happy with the changes that have been made and prefers the new version greatly over the old. You can purchase this new product by phone or through our web store (the new web site and web store will come on line very soon).
- Sheri Hancock, Resources writes: I have a fresh passion and excitement for my position in the resource dept. as I have been able to move to the shipping/mailing room and hand over the in-house sales to Rachel (our receptionist). Along with that, the consistent part time help from Craig (the newest part time worker) and the continued volunteer hours from both Craig and Janice (faithful volunteer) are making the light at the end of this tunnel seem brighter than the sun!
December 6-7, 2008 "Awakening the Slumbering Spirit"
Amish Community Church, Libby, Montana
Robert and Kathie Fetveit
January 30-February 1 "Discovering the Heart of a Man" Men's Retreat
Immaculate Heart Retreat Center, Spokane, Washington
Robert Fetveit and Mark Sandford
February 25-March 1 "Elijah House Inner Healing and Deliverance"
Wagner Leadership Institute, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Mark Sandford
February 27-March 1 "The Valley of Trouble—The Door of Hope"
Women's Retreat
Immaculate Heart Retreat Center, Spokane, Washington
Thea Loughery and Sarah Compton
Live Schools (for 2009):
May 10-22 Basic I
Ross Point Bible Camp, Post Falls, Idaho
August 3-15 Basic II
Immaculate Heart Retreat Center, Spokane, Washington
Prayer Ministry and Internships:
Some of you may not be aware that at EH USA we have replaced the 15 hour intensive week of prayer ministry with a 12 hour intensive week. At this time we are not doing local hourly prayer ministry.
Internship I and II is back in full swing, and we have added a four-week Practicum (the intern sees a client under observation by a full time staff prayer minister) to our six-month Residency. Starr Beer has now completed her practicum and will begin her six month residency in January of 2009. This means she will be seeing her own clients.
New Staff:
When you phone Elijah House USA, you will be greeted by the friendly voice of our new receptionist, Rachel Batchelder. Rachel is a joy to have around! Her sincere love for the Lord and her heart to serve is obvious to all, and we are very happy to have her on board.
Staff and friends of Elijah House USA meet every Tuesday from 4:30-6:30 p.m. to listen to God and pray regarding whatever is on His heart. Many times we pray as well for other Elijah Houses or requests that we hear about. We truly appreciate those of you who are committed to pray for the needs of our ministry.
International Elijah Houses:
Austria: Simon and Dagmar Pollit, Directors Web site: www.elijahhouse.at
Finland: Tarja Savolainen, Exec. Director Web site: www.elijah.fi
South Africa: Ina Jordaan, Director Contact: inajordaan@absamail.co.za
Philippines: Virmi Nery , EH Representative Contact: virmi.nery@gmail.com
Japan: Masanori Miura, Director Contact: info@elijahhouse.jp
Taiwan: Kuo-ren and Miranda Lin, Directors Contact: krmlin@yahoo.com
Australia: Simon Moore, Director Web site: www.elijahhouse.com.au
New Zealand: Marie Nield, Chairperson Web site: www.elijahhouse.org.nz
Contact: added.value@xtra.co
Malaysia: Nancy Quay and Mei Lin Chong, Contact: nancyqkg@gmail.com
From Brian Hancock, Communications Department: God is Good to me!
Many of you recently heard about my tragic loss of a special $2,500 Martin guitar. I was leading worship at an Elijah House basic school when it was broken. This was a tragic loss to me. I had played for 25 years, and I love to play. The students volunteered to take up an offering, and raised nearly half the guitar's worth. Without my prompting, my church also took up an offering. When it was all said and done, $1,600 had been raised! I spent some time looking around, and found a wonderful replacement, a Taylor 414ce that simply sounded out of this world. But the dilemma was that the Taylor, which retails for $2,500, was on sale for $1,899, but only until Oct. 31. Obviously, $1,600.00 would not cover the cost. But last week I felt prompted by the Lord to check ebay, and found a new Taylor 414ce limited edition. The limited's are worth about $4500-$5000. I had only $1,600.00! How does that work? I did what I felt led to do… I bid $1,599! I Waited…………… And I won! Isn't God goooooood! My new guitar will arrive next Wednesday. I am so amazed about how much God loves me! We talk about it all the time, but do we really believe that our God is more than able? He is willing! I hope this blesses you as much as it has blessed me!
About Robin Fisher, Office Manager: Recently, Robin and her husband, Casey, visited Hope for the Children Orphanage in Puerto Penasco, Mexico. For 13 years, they have been leading teams of 30 or more adults and teens on annual missions from Word of Life Church in Stateline, Washington to this little oasis in the desert. Recently, during morning devotions, Robin showed us a slide show of her trip. Like a proud mama, she lovingly named each one of the children and told us a little about their stories. She told us how one of the children would run to Casey with arms up, crying, "Daddy, Daddy." Just one more way that God is turning the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to their fathers!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Many Christians wonder why they feel so oppressed. They ask, "What more can I learn about our enemy so I can end his attacks? Such knowledge is certainly needed, "in order that Satan may not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes" (2 Cor. 2:11). But perhaps many have forgotten that Scripture's greater focus is on God and His purposes, and that the enemy is the one truly under attack ("…and the gates of hell shall not prevail against [the church]"). God can easily prevent an attack. So perhaps we should also ask, why does He allow it, and what is He teaching us through it?
The answers will reveal more effective ways to wage war. For spiritual warfare is more than just identifying demons and firing salvos of rebuke. It's also shaping our character as warriors through a lifestyle of repentance. Only training done on our knees makes us well fitted to our armor. A battle waged in this manner will make a demon's departure more sure. And that will not be the only blessed outcome. The lasting fruit of strengthened character will have made the victory sweeter still. Indeed, if such strengthening is one of God's purposes for allowing attack, the attack itself may become a means for victory.
To help equip God's warriors, a seminar by Elijah House Ministries titled, "Kingdom Warfare, Solid Solutions for Today," will be held on November 20-22 at the Gateway Ministry Resource Center in Coeur d' Alene, Idaho. Co-sponsored by the Gateway and The Elijah List, it will feature Mark Sandford and Robert Fetveit, with an appearance by special guest speaker, John Sandford. The seminar will conclude with a concert by Water Fall, a group of prophetic minstrels whose sensitive "harp and bowl" style will offer a refreshing counterpoint to the seminar's deep and life-changing messages. They will also lead worship throughout the seminar.
The cost will be $45 per person or $65 per couple (quite a bargain!). Because we believe that the ones who should benefit the most from our warfare are our youth, young people 25 and under are free. To offset the low cost, freewill offerings will be appreciated. To register, go to www.thegatewayintl.org or call (208)667-8527. The website also offers driving directions and a list of local hotels.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Elijah House Drops of Fire
To burn bullocks of idolatry, incinerate fifties of arrogance, and dance blessings of fire on heads of prayer.
Let them give thanks to the Lord for His lovingkindness, and for His wonders to the sons of men! Let them offer sacrifices of thanksgiving, and tell of His works with joyful singing. Psalm 107:21-22
For more than ten years of this present great outpouring of the Holy Spirit, there has been a revival of worship. We have learned to give thanks to God and sing His praises. This has been right and has felt delightful, both for us and, I’m sure, for God Himself. We need to continue, and are commanded to do so.
But there are several words about purification I believe the Lord would have us hear. This is the time of Elijah, prophesied in Malachi 3:1-3;
"Behold, I am going to send My messenger, and he will clear the way before Me. And the Lord will suddenly come to His temple; and the messenger of the covenant, in whom you delight, behold, He is coming,” says the Lord of hosts. But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand when He appears? For He is like refiner’s fire, and like fullers’ soap. And He will sit as a smelter and purifier of silver, and He will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, so that they may present to the Lord offerings in righteousness (emphasis mine).
This is the time of intimacy. Truly the Lord is suddenly coming to His temple. That’s great; but I wonder if we have yet counted the cost. Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? And who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart…(Psalm 24:3). Unfortunately, even some of the foremost advocates of intimacy are not pure in their living style, much less in their hearts. Somehow, all this fervency of worship and adoration has not yet affected the way too many live. Malachi has signaled that the coming increased intimacy with the Lord carries with it such purifying fire that, “who can stand?” The warning: if the blessings we are experiencing in the Lord’s presence in worship are to continue and increase (and how I pray that they may!), fullness of repentance and change must increase, until all our living manifests not our but His nature. Like the people of Isaiah's time, if we don’t repent and change, we may hear the Lord say, What are your multiplied sacrifices to Me...? Who requires of you this trampling of My courts…? Bring your worthless offerings no longer… Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; remove the evil of your deeds from My sight. Cease to do evil. Learn to do good; Seek justice, Reprove the ruthless; Defend the orphan, Plead for the widow (Isaiah 1: phrases from 11-17).
Probably, most who read this are trying their best for the Lord. I may be “preaching to the choir.” But the ways of many do not much resemble the Lord’s. In a 2002 survey by Christianity Today, 53% of pastors admitted to viewing internet pornography “a few times” in the previous year. Many pastors are notorious for having “lead feet” while driving, actually flaunting civil laws, though to do so is an expression of the antinomian heresy ( to live as though Christians are above law and don’t have to obey it). Gossip and criticism run rampant in most churches. The rate of pastors and leaders falling into sexual sins is appalling. A great portion of the Church has swallowed the lies of fleshly magnanimity of mind—for instance, that we can be kinder than God, excusing and affirming the lifestyle of homosexuality. And so it continues. I don’t want to spend the remainder of this space negatively cataloguing how far we are as a people from having clean hands and a pure heart.
Let's check ourselves as individuals: “Seek Justice.” Do we? Do you contribute to such organizations as Judicial Watch, The American Center for Law and Justice, The Rutherford Institute, etc.? (these are a few of the many legal organizations fighting for law and order and for the return of our nation to its Christian foundations). “Defend the orphan, Plead for the widow.” Do you give to organizations such as Feed the Children and Mercy Home for Boys and Girls? What about donating to Native American causes—Running Strong for American Indian Youth, Red Cloud Indian Relief Fund, etc. Seeking justice, defending orphans and pleading for widows are the very actions Isaiah lists as true righteousness. Do you sport a bumper sticker that says, “Support Our Troops?” Is that merely a sticker, or do you actually give to organizations like Help Hospitalized Veterans, Help Disable Veterans, or other veteran relief funds? What do you do that actualizes the message, “Support Our Troops?” Are these mere words?
So much for measuring the quality and quantity of our giving. What about visiting the sick and praying for them? Do you call in hospitals and pray for patients? Remember that Jesus said, I was sick and you visited Me (Matthew 25:36). When? Whenever you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them (vs 40). Do you pray for and with people, aloud?
Do you get the point? If we aren’t serving here and there with whatever our hand finds to do, what is our praise if not hollow? We are fond of singing, “We bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord.” Sacrifices cost something—even death. What are we costing ourselves that we can justly sing that we bring a sacrifice into the house of the Lord? Our entire culture and society has been rife with self and self-serving. The purpose of this "Drops of Fire" is to awaken us, to expand our awareness of what righteousness truly is. It is to call us into the dual purifications of repentance for sin and sacrificial giving and serving. That is the true holiness that ascends the hill of the Lord for His sake, to give Him the glory He deserves.
Check yourself. How well do you measure up? Has Malachi 3 found fulfillment in you? What are you doing regularly that the prophet would call “righteousness?" If not much, it’s not too late!
Praising God is not merely words; it’s who we are, expressed by what we do.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
A testimony!
To all our Elijah House Friends, greetings in Jesus Name!
My name is Renee and I am 30 years old and participating in the internship program at Elijah House Ministries. My past education and experience includes an undergraduate degree, a Masters degree in Counseling from a well known seminary, licensing as a counselor and almost four years of counseling experience in a psychiatric hospital.
I am amazed at the depth of training I have received through Elijah House. As I reflect on all the education, training and experience I have received up to this point, I am confident in saying that the training that Elijah House has provided has been the best ministry training of my life.
I now realize that much of my past education leaned heavily on knowledge but was weak in showing me how that knowledge applied to real life and hurting people. Elijah House excels at teaching biblical principles and truths and then modeling and teaching you how to apply them through the leading of the Holy Spirit. I am grateful for the integration that has taken place in my life between knowledge, experience and application.
I have no doubt that I will leave Elijah House not only with more knowledge of my God and His ways but, most importantly, with many, many experiences of my God and His ways. Through my experiences and training at Elijah House, I now completely believe that God will heal the hearts of his people. I have seen Him do this over and over again during my time here. God has shown me that He really is the great healer and deliverer for his people, and that His Spirit is alive and at work everyday everywhere. (Visit our Elijah House website and read more testimonies at elijahhouse.org)
We invite you to be a part of accomplishing the “Elijah Task” in today’s world. Would you prayerfully consider making a donation to help us continue teaching and equipping others with this life-changing message?
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Look what's happening at Elijah House!
New products & Systems:
People in their 20's and 30's frequently exclaim how powerful and life changing the teaching is and how much their generation needs to hear it. We are busy preparing to carry the ministry to the next generation! You can purchase these new products by phone or through our web store. Our new web store and web site will be up and running before the end of this year!
- It's not for Nothing—Healing from the Pain of Grief and Loss—Sarah Compton, EH Prayer Minister
- Lost and Found—Healing from Rejection—Robert Fetveit, EH Executive Director
- Three Wolves and Two Towers— Defeating the Religious and Political Spirit—Robert Fetveit
- Burden Bearing Series Classic—newly released and transferred from cassette tapes, John and Paula Sandford
Transformation Series from Strang Publications, John and Paula Sandford (Mark and John Sandford's revision of the original "Transformation of the Inner Man" and "Healing the Wounded Spirit")
- Transforming the Inner Man
- God's Power to Change
- Letting Go of Your Past
- Growing Pains
Also out, and newly revised by Mark and John Sandford:
- Choosing Forgiveness
- Healing For a Woman's emotions
- Why Good People Mess up (formerly titled, Why Some Christians Commit Adultery)
Coming soon, more books being revised by Mark and John:
Awakening the Slumbering Spirit, newly available early October, and later,
Restoring the Christian Family, The Renewal of the Mind, Healing Victims of
Sexual Abuse, The Elijah Task and (by Mark and John) A Comprehensive Guide
to Inner Healing and Deliverance!
Since January our EH teachers have spoken at seminars in eight states as well as Austria, Malaysia, Taiwan and Japan. Our schedule is already full for 2008 and we are now booking seminars into 2009 and 2010!
Our newest seminars:
· "Tell Your Heart to Beat Again – Healing from Trauma"
· "Strategic Prophetic Warfare and the Body of Christ"
Both of these seminars will be filmed and available for purchase sometime next year.
Our training department has gone to a new level! 60 "Video Facilitated Schools" are running this fall in the U.S. and Canada. New leaders are being trained and released!
Both Basic I and Basic II schools in May and July were awesome! They were taught live by a variety of Elijah House teachers. Students came from many denominations and several nations and cultures. Watching a cross section of the Body of Christ come into unity and healing is always a tremendous blessing!
Our next live schools will be the "Prophetic School," taught by Mark Sandford and Robert Fetveit, September 13-17 in Vienna, Austria and October 6-11 in Spokane, Wa. Video schools may be held through facilitators who attend a live school and submit an application.
Prayer Ministry and Internship:
A steady stream of people continues to seek prayer ministry. Many lives are blessed and hearts are healed! Our prayer ministers also train interns in what is undoubtedly the best such program available.
International Elijah Houses:
Our international influence continues to spread, with more requests than we can answer! Thus far, there are Elijah Houses in: Australia, Austria, Finland, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand and Taiwan. By the end of the year an EH team will have visited them all. Although they are autonomous, we continue to mentor and pray for each one.
Mark Sandford
Spiritual Director
Elijah House, USA
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Three Wolves and Two Towers
Danger on the path to unity in Christ; Exposing two high-level strongholds resisting the Church.
"Watch our for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod" Mark 8:17 (NASB)As I walked into a computer store near Elijah House, I was sure some of the employees were Christians. It was great to meet a talented young fellow who knew about our ministry! When I asked where he attended church, he said he was burned out on church. He had been a worship leader on a church staff, but because of politics and the way every church he walked into felt like a cookie cutter model of the last one, he just couldn't bring himself to keep attending, at least for now. He said,"I know I need to plug in somewhere, but nothing feels quite right."
I have had similar conversations with numerous others, like the two young men who stopped by just the other day to find out what Elijah House is all about. They wanted something in church-related fellowship that was relevant, something alive. They didn't feel they could find that in the organized church.
Church, I believe we have a big problem. There are forces coming against us that have been in place for centuries.
Recently we completed our 3rd Turning Point retreat. This is a week long retreat sponsored by Elijah House and Restoring the Foundations ministries providing healing keys for wounded leaders. One of the elements of this conference is to help leaders identify "cabals" over their ministries. A cabal is an evil plotting group of demons that seek to hinder the growth and effectiveness of any group or individual that is gaining Kingdom ground. It is my view that many of these cabals are given access by the strongholds of thought I will discuss shortly. Our lack of unity has contributed to the problem. (Watch our web site for materials we are currently developing on understanding the power of cabals.)
A Mystifying Vision:
It was a sleepless Monday night. Usually when my head hits the pillow I am off to dreamland. But from time to time the Lord stirs up my spirit and speaks to me, usually during and after the biblical "third watch" between 3 and 6 A.M.
Restlessly I tossed and turned. Eventually I pleaded with the Lord to speak. For hours there was only silence and sleeplessness, so I prayed about every need I could think of and waited either for sleep or for some message to come. I thought perhaps the Lord wanted to give me something to share the next morning at the 7:00 "Gatekeepers" meeting (a group of pastors and Christian leaders that prays for our region).
Shortly after 3:00 A.M., I found myself in the midst of a vision. I was standing in the open near a wood. In front of me were two magnificent white wolves. They paced impatiently, never taking their eyes off their prey (me!). Their faces looked innocent, and at times they seemed to compel me to venture closer. But in my spirit the message was clear- don't get any closer! Danger! As these menacing animals sized me up, I wondered what I should do. I knew it would be hopeless and reckless to run. I stood my ground. I felt a lingering premonition that something or someone was protecting me and that as long as I didn't show fear or bolt I would be okay.
As I studied my nemeses something moved in the shadows behind them. I looked more closely and barely made out the camouflaged shape of a larger, even more ominous black wolf. I sensed it was directing and controlling the two white wolves. I continued to watch the scene for 15 to 20 minutes, then relaxed and fell asleep.
At 6 A.M. I was startled awake by the intruding, obnoxious "beep-beep-beep" of my designer alarm clock. "Where did we get this thing anyway?!" I thought. As I shuffled off to the bathroom I puzzled over my vision-or had the whole thing been just a dream? Dark circles under my eyes confirmed my lack of sleep. I stared blankly into the mirror and wondered, "What could this vision mean?"
I dressed for the day and hurried off to our Gatekeepers meeting, wondering if I should share the vision. We prayed and asked the Lord for an interpretation. Nearly everyone felt certain it was a clear warning of danger.
A friend had just returned from South Africa. When she heard my vision she was immediately reminded of a vision someone related to her just a few days earlier in Cape Town. It was of two towers, glistening in the sun. On one tower was inscribed the word, "Herod," and on the other, "Pharisee". A large wave marked the words,"the Love of God", raced toward the towers, knocking them down. She had a strong sense that the two white wolves were a political and a religious spirit that plague the Body of Christ.
Mark 8:12-17 says:"He sighed deeply and said,'Why does this generation ask for a miraculous sign? I tell you the truth, no sign will be given to it'. Then he left them, got back into the boat and crossed to the other side. The disciples had forgotten to bring bread, except for one loaf they had with them in the boat. 'Be careful.' Jesus warned them. 'Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod.' (emphasis mine) They discussed this with one another and said, 'It is because we have no bread.' Aware of their discussion, Jesus asked them: 'Why are you talking about having no bread? Do you still not see or understand? Are your hearts hardened? Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear? And don't you remember?
I have often wondered about these words. What did Jesus mean by "the leaven of Herod and the leaven of the Pharisees" and "a little leaven leavens the whole lump?" I have begun to suspect it means that the character of Herod and of the Pharisees work hand in hand.
The Religious Spirit...
We know the characteristics of the Pharisees were as follows:
1. They were devoted to the law and added their own interpretations
2. Such utter devotion made them blind to the Messiah for whom they claimed to be waiting and watching
3. They were proud, arrogant and puffed up, the "authority" for everyone and everything they observed
4. They challenged Jesus' words and His authority
5. They saw themselves as God's favorite ones, and demonstrated self-righteousness
6. They expected to be obeyed but we are warned not to emulate them, for they were hypocrites (Mt. 23:2)
7. They put heavy burdens on others, but didn't lift a finger to help lift them (Mt. 23:2-9)
8. They shut up heaven for others and for themselves (Matt. 23:13)
9. They presented themselves as pious and holy
Of course, a religious spirit cannot operate on its own; it works in and through individuals. Sometimes it operates through the sheep and sometimes through the shepherd. Legalism is one of its most evident fruit. Individuals judge one another. People feel judged and criticized. Creativity suffers. Fear of failure or censure and fear of rejection become rampant. Control and barrenness are the goals of this spirit. Anyone who doesn't agree is criticized and rejected. Value is based on how well a person performs and conforms to the rules. Relationship with Jesus and with one another suffers. Obligation is over-emphasized. Joy erodes and eventually disappears. Separatism and prejudice toward other groups begin to grow.
When we are doing anything in our walk with Christ out of obligation or a sense of duty and not from the motivation of love for Him we are inviting and empowering the religious spirit to operate.
The Political Spirit:
Jesus warned of the leaven of Herod, which can be expressed through a political spirit. What are some of the characteristics of Herod?
1. He was ambitious in an unhealthy way
2. He was morally corrupt (he was lustful and he murdered the innocents, killed his wives and children, and banished others. On his death bed he ordered soldiers to murder hundreds so the day would become a day of great mourning; thankfully the orders were not carried out)
3. He did everything for political gain
4. He was paranoid (many historians agree on this point)
5. He was jealous
6. He was an amazing builder (his building accomplishments are astounding), but he built his reputation and his kingdom
7. There was a shame-fear-control stronghold operating in his life
8. He had a low self image (he was half Jewish and half Hellenist-an outcast)
9. He ruled by the maxim "the end justifies the means"
10. He influenced by intimidation
11. He was power-hungry
12. He was self-centered
13. He was an enemy of the faith and the things of God
When the political spirit is present, power groups begin to form. Church members gravitate toward causes and strong persuasive personalities. A condition similar to "parental inversion" sets in. Leaders treat followers as children too immature to make decisions for themselves. This kind of spirit helped give rise to abuses that occurred during the "Shepherding and Discipleship" movement in the late 70's and early 80's. Some other consequences of the political spirit are:
-Individuality is lost
-Personal choices are compromised
-Leaders become controlling
-Unreasonable financial sacrifice is demanded
-There is multiplication of codependent relationships
-Spiritual adultery proliferates, and often leads to physical adultery and divorce
These destructive forces are empowered by "bitter roots" lodged in the heart. Judgments, lies, inner vows, resentments and reactions to unhealed wounds are access points for the enemy to exploit. Hebrews 12:15: "See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many."
Pursuing transformation and sanctificiation is the responsibility of every serious follower of Christ. By resisting the Holy Spirit's call for inner healing we may be hindering unity and delaying the coming revival. Repentance is the key to healing, both personally and corporately.
Unity is Elusive (but possible)
Jesus expressed His desire for the Body of Christ in the High Priestly Prayer he offered while sharing his last few hours with his disciples in the upper room:
John 17:21-22: "My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me."
These have become my life verses (especially verse 21). I have committed my life to promote and bring healing to every believer, which I believe is one of the most important keys to true lasting unity. It is unity that will bring the greatest revival the world has ever seen!
The apostle Paul expresses the importance of maintaing unity in Eph. 4:2-3: "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace."
What a wonderful, difficult, distressing yet beautiful, anointed timely word this is! Unity has always seemed an elusive vapor, impossible to catch and hardly able to be held. Throughout the ages, the church has struggled with this endeavor.
When a political and/or religious spirit is allowed to operate, it does great harm to both sheep and shepherds. There may be church splits, people may leave with unresolved hurts and misunderstandings, and lose relationships in the process. Unity suffers, the Heart of the Father is wounded and the Holy Spirit is grieved.
Oh, how I long to be part of the answer to Jesus' heartfelt cry as expressed in John 17:21. It is time we recognize the schemes of the devil, expose the political and religious spirits and fight the Lord's battle instead of each other. Repentance and reconciliation are our first and most powerful weapons for spiritual warfare. Together let's ask the Holy Spirit to expose anything in us that gives these demons access.