Many years ago while Kathie and I were working as missionaries in Japan, we begin to question why our ministry and the ministry of many others (who were way more anointed and qualified) were not more fruitful. God brought to our attention that there was much competition and jealousy among the different churches and missionaries in Japan (we struggled with our own set of problems as well). In prayer I begin to question God about the root of our divisiveness and strife. I felt the Lord speaking to my heart that there was insufficient healing of hearts among those of us who were leaders, so that unresolved root issues were producing bitter fruit.
Upon our return to the USA in 1980 I was greatly ministered to by John 17: 20–21:
I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message. I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me.
Elijah House is first and foremost a prophetic ministry. It is my conviction that one of the main roles of the prophet office is to promote unity in the body of Christ. This was certainly on the heart of Jesus as he prayed for us in his high priestly prayer.
At Elijah House we often state that our goal is to evangelize the unbelieving heart of the believer, but our ultimate goal is healing the church. Any unhealed wound, judgment, lie, or inner vow signifies that part of the heart cannot receive God’s promises and the truth of His word.
Ephesians 4 exhorts us to no longer act like children. We respond like children when bitter roots from childhood are triggered. One of the main roles of the church--often neglected--is to “reparent.” God is raising up mothers and fathers in Christ for the purpose of helping us be healed. He often does this by bringing us into relationship or contact with people who will aggravate us for the purpose of revealing our bitter roots.
Through my experience, my convictions, and my “life verse,” I have developed what I call
The H. U. G. Principal.
H ealing (brings)
U nity (which promotes/produces)
G lobal Evangelism. (If we add the E for Evangelism to HUG, it becomes HUGE!)
As individuals we must be determined to get healed and then walk out our healing, which will cause love to bloom like a flower daily, as demonstrated in communities of faith. As the world witnesses this heavenly phenomenon they will indeed see Jesus! Evangelism will explode! This healing is not just intended for the individual but necessary for the whole body of Christ so that HE can reach a lost world. My personal goals are to see the Church healed, and the world coming to know Christ.
God is passionate about many things, but I believe His Word reveals that there are four major passions closest to His Heart.
• First, He has a love for the lost and a desire to see them come to saving faith.
• Second, He has a passion for Israel because they are his chosen people.
• Third, He loves His church. He wants to see her come into healing and prosperity and radiant beauty as the Bride for His Beloved Son.
• Lastly, He is passionate about an intimate personal relationship with each one of His children.
Jesus is the Light of the World! A healed church is the HOPE OF THE WORLD!
Most of the doctrinal and personal issues that are causing much of the division in the Body of Christ are directly related to the need for healing of the heart. Out of overflow of [the] heart the mouth speaks (Luke 6:45, NIV). As a man thinketh in his heart so is he (Proverbs 23:7, KJV).
This in turn begs the question: “How do we address and promote the need for transformation and sanctification throughout the Body of Christ?” He desires to reveal His love to and promote those who are willing to be OPEN, HONEST, and BROKEN before HIM.
Will you join me in praying for the HUG principle to become reality, so that the world may know?
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