Zion is a normal three year old boy; he has the kind of energy people always want to bottle up and sell. He is very sensitive and loving, and also very rough and tumble. I often hear the phrase, “Kids say the darndest things!” This was an understatement for me the other day, and here's why:
I work from home. I mostly do administrative duties on the computer, set up in the corner of the main living space of our quaint two bedroom home. I was attempting to get a bit of work done on a busy Monday morning. Zion was roaming the house, playing with toys, watching TV, etc. Every so often he would attempt to connect with me. I was very distracted, trying to work and be a mom. On that particular day I wasn't doing either as well as I would have liked. Frustration began to build up in me. I was attempting to get out of the house while multi-tasking all my morning duties. Again, I was not doing any of them very well, and Zion was not doing as I asked. He sensed my distraction, and knew he could get away with not listening until the last possible moment. Frustration continued to build until it burst out of me.
In my anger and frustration (at myself more than him) I disciplined my little boy. His cry turned from the sound of pain to the sound of a wounded spirit. I knew immediately that I had done wrong. I left the room and cried. As I attempted to collect myself, I prayed and asked God to forgive me for wounding my son’s spirit and not disciplining him out of love, the way Jesus taught us to.
Zion’s whimpering drew me out of the bathroom. I sat on the couch, and pulled him onto my lap. He asked, "Why are you sad and crying?" I hugged him and said, “Zion, I am so sorry. I was wrong to be so angry. Will you forgive me? I am trying to work out how to work from home and be a good mommy.” And he said, “But you already are a good mommy!”
1 Peter 4:8 (NASB) - Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.
Mark 10:13-16 (NASB) - And they were bringing children to Him so that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw this, He was indignant and said to them, “Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all.” And He took them in His arms and began blessing them, laying His hands on them (emphasis added).
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