Sometimes a message comes most clearly into focus when eyed from a disturbing viewpoint. The following is written in the manner of C.S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letters (in which an older demon wrote to a younger demon, advising him on how to get his “client” into hell). In this case, Satan is cast as the writer, educating his army about strategies to defeat the next generation of Christians, starting with the prophetic movement.
Lately, around the world, prayer warriors are rising up to pray for the church. But are prophetic intercessors praying for the prophetic movement (and other branches of Christ’s body) that launched them? Let what is written here become a roadmap for prayer. And perhaps it will be a warning for some, In order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes (2 Corinthians 2:11).
Memorandum From Satan to His Troops
(7 Strategies to defeat our enemies)
Strategy 1: Lower Their Watchmen’s Standards.
I have great news! We have succeeded at persuading our enemy that their prophecies need not be accurate. A few of their prophets have even taught that an 80%, 50%, or even 30% accuracy rate is perfectly acceptable! But what brings me the utmost joy is that without any real standard for prophecies, their watchmen now find it entirely unnecessary to repent for prophesying falsely!
Y2K was a shining example. Several of them proclaimed that the churches must store up goods to share with their hapless neighbors when the world dissolves into chaos on January 1, 2,000. When that blessed event did not come to pass, almost no one repented or even published a retraction! Another example: some of them prophesied that McCain would win the last election through a last minute save. The list goes on and on.
I find it especially gratifying that hardly any of the rank-and-file are the slightest bit concerned about this. Most of them don’t even take note of it; for them, a false prophecy is virtually a non-issue! It pleases me no end that a large number of their prophets have adopted standards no better than those of our own psychics! Better yet, they seem not to care at all that their errors have caused anyone harm.
We should have no trouble getting past their front lines.
Strategy 2: Develop a “Pride Ethic” Among Their Leaders.
In centuries past, our enemy’s mystics were loathe to reveal too much about their own prophetic exploits, for fear of becoming prideful. Blessedly, nowadays we rarely have to contend with this obstacle. Many of their watchmen regularly noise abroad every prophetic “accomplishment.” It is even common for them to report having been “caught up to paradise” where they have seen and heard, as that wretched Paul once put it, “inexpressible things that a man is not permitted to tell” (2 Corinthian 12:4).
Fortunately, they are not as well apprised of the gravity of this as we are. However, lately I have felt some foreboding as a few watchmen seem to be backing away from this, choosing to share with audiences only that which their master deems helpful. But the bright side is that hardly anyone among the rank-and-file cares that anything was ever amiss. They have embraced a sort of “pride ethic,” if you will—they applaud self-promotion, confusing it with promotion of their God’s great works. They stand at attention for anyone who claims a lofty title for himself, such as “prophet” or “apostle.” We must continue to convince their watchmen that this kind of audience approval is a sign from their God that they are on the right track.
Strategy 3: Use Strategies 1 & 2 as a Breeding Ground for False Teachings.
The enemy’s rank-and-file expect their watchmen to regularly come up with exciting “new” revelations. At first, the watchmen’s response to this expectation was fairly harmless to their cause. They brought back to remembrance time-honored biblical truths that their camp had long neglected—for instance, the use of our enemy’s supernatural gifts. I remember that some of you were quite worried about this development.
Worry no more; as they run out of these truths, they are now beginning to look past the bounds of their holy book for new ideas. We must help them! But this must be done subtly, for “heresy” is a hard pill for them to swallow. Start with baby steps. Here’s one: the idea that the “second heaven” (as inferred by Paul’s second letter to those blasted Corinthians—see 12:2) is actually hell. Now of course, we know that Paul only mentioned the third heaven; he did not say there were only three. For all they know, there may be seven, or even one hundred. And even if there are only three, nothing in our enemy’s book identifies any of them as hell. But our enemies haven’t taken note of these thoughts—which is evidence of our progress! We have succeeded in promoting excitement, rather than sound scholarship, as the diviner of truth.
But why, you may ask, should we cultivate a belief that’s so apparently harmless? What’s wrong with speculative theology? Nothing is wrong with it, even by our enemy’s standards. But the belief itself is beside the point. The point is that we have gotten our opponents to take the first step toward heresy by making it alright to proclaim speculative theology as established doctrine. Now that this precedent is set, there is no end to what we may promote. I have heard some of them claim that the Nephalim returned after the flood to mate with humans. A few have even blamed their personal problems on having a bloodline tainted with that seed! A few are now promoting “Christological astrology,” claiming that they need to restore the original purpose of astrology that New Agers stole from God! If we can continue to persuade them that those who object to a plethora of “exciting new ideas” are “legalistic” or trying to “quench the Spirit,” the possibilities are endless!
Strategy 4: Cultivate a Culture of Gullibility.
I have already noted that their rank-and-file lust for “exciting new teachings.” Our spies have reported that they are also largely oblivious to the need to test such ideas. They seem to accept whatever their watchmen say, without question. For instance, one watchman quoted Psalm 86:8: “Among the gods there is none like you, Lord.” When he expounded on this verse it sounded as if he was promoting the idea that there are other gods besides God. He did not in fact believe this. But no matter; the important thing is that his audience thought he did, and that even mature persons received this enthusiastically! The same was true of watchmen who taught that our enemies should recover God’s intentions for astrology, and that they should make use of chakras as they pray for healing!
Lately I have felt worried that a few of their leaders are beginning to speak out in opposition to such ideas. But I have noted that even when alerted about false teachings, their rank-and-file view such errors with little concern. We must continue to affirm this attitude! If we can keep the errors going long enough, some may come to accept the reactions we have cultivated among “apologetics” ministries that dismiss even legitimate prophecies and teachings. For those who don’t accept them, it will hardly matter. The prophetic movement will have become so impotent that their defense of their own movement will be meaningless.
Strategy 5: Go After the Youth.
Having implemented these four strategies, we should have little opposition to our ongoing plan to deprive the next generation of a solid biblical foundation. Even before I devised these strategies, we had already begun to see the fruits of our labors! Many Christian youth have rationalized that oral and anal sex are not really “sex,” and are perfectly acceptable outside of marriage. Acceptance of homosexuality is slowly but surely becoming widespread. Sexual sin is increasing among young Christian leaders. Even those who recognize they are doing wrong are less likely than their elders to regard this as a serious issue. And we have made sure there are not enough watchmen left awake to call them back to their biblical moorings.
I am concerned about a number of disturbingly committed youth who are standing against this trend, but if we do our best to keep strategies 1 through 4 in place, we may be able to prevent them from stopping the hemorrhage.
Strategy 6: Prevent the Elijah Task.*
We have long known that the dreaded Elijah will attempt to incite our enemies to curtail our plans, by “turn[ing] the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the land with a curse” (Malachi 4:6). There are things we can to do minimize the damage he intends to inflict, and to maximize the curse. Many fathers’ moral base has eroded, and their watchmen are too busy bragging of their own exploits and presenting the latest fad teachings to promote—I shudder to say the word—repentance—or to have much effect on family life.
Some fathers are pursuing inner healing, and with that there is a great danger of reconciliation. When dealing with them, make sure that they stay focused on their own pain, their own trauma and their own healing. Induce those who counsel them to do the same. Encourage teachers of inner healing to focus on the needs of the wounded individual. Dissuade them from teaching how to apply that healing toward reconciling with and healing one’s children.
There is also a worldwide movement afoot to reconcile people groups—Indians and whites, Catholics and Protestants, etc. So far, few have thought to reconcile the baby boomers with the millennium generation, which could become a key part of Elijah’s strategy. Keep them distracted; keep them focused anywhere but there!
Strategy 7: Spring the Trap!
Until now, for the most part we have witnessed a culture of tolerance. The attitude has been, “You’re Christian; I’m pagan. To each his own; live and let live.” I know that many of you have been chomping at the bit, wanting to make a frontal assault against our enemies. Have patience; your time will come! For now, this easy tolerance serves our purpose. They’ll find it easy to live as compromised Christians when no one is persecuting them.
Let’s continue with the first six points of this plan until the enemy’s watchmen are sufficiently neutralized, parents (especially fathers) are out of the way, and law is removed from enough hearts. Then we can make our frontal assault. When persecution finally comes, no one will be able to stand except the few who have not allowed themselves to be swept along with the currents of popular thought that I have just described. Disillusioned, but too weak to return to sound faith, the next generation will be ripe for the picking, and many (especially youth) will fall away. In the face of a lawless prophetic movement, a fatherless generation will welcome our man of lawlessness as the great father and prophet they have been looking for.
*Here at Elijah House Ministries, our foremost task has to do with countering strategy 6. In the past, Elijah House did not promote the Elijah Task strongly enough. We focused on healing individuals. While we did make some efforts to reconcile families, to an extent, we naively assumed that people would automatically use their healing to reconcile with their children. To some extent they did. But especially in today’s increasingly self-focused culture, we cannot make such assumptions.
To rectify this, we have added new talks to our prayer ministry school, including “Reconciliation,” and “Healing Our Children’s Hearts.” Throughout all the talks I have strengthened language that emphasizes personal accountability and awareness of how our bad fruit hurts others (there is also a new talk on the importance of understanding the bad fruit in our lives). And at the end of each talk, I have also added reconciliation as a step in the healing process. After I finish revising our schools, I plan to create an entire seminar on healing our children. And we plan to create teachings on ministering to married couples.
Please pray for us as we continue this work.
I can't agree with you enough! I would especially want to encourage you to create more talks on healing our children's hearts. That is where I am currently at in working with my own children. They have seen many changes in my life and I am now working with them to identify the wounds in their lives; unfortunately, many wounds that I probably helped to create.
Dave Davies
Praying for our children is of the utmost importance as divorce rates rise, families are fractured. I would like very much to see a copy of these teachings to share with a group who is proceeding to pray for our children. I do hope you will post them or somehow make them available.
Paulette Rose
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